United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps
Band of the West Division

Tips & Tricks From Your Fellow Sea Cadets
If it is on your sea bag list, BRING IT.
If it is NOT on your sea bag list, do NOT bring it.
This page will have some ideas on how to best prepare for trainings while making your life a little easier.
Your Sea Bag:
Write you name on it both on the side and bottom. Remember, all sea bags look the same.
Don't do your cadet a disservice .........your cadet should be packing his/her own sea bag. This way they are familiar with the list, and have confidence that the items are in there. This is their personal responsibility.
​A must have! Organizing small items in bags makes it easier to find things. It also makes inspection and clean up after a sea bag check quick and easy. Label the zip locks with your last name and what the item is. Ex/ Smith: (5) black socks
Don't have anything loose in your sea bag....bundle small items together in a zip loc and label!
Medications- if you are bringing prescription medication, place it in a zip lock bag, label, and make sure it is at top of your seabag. When you check in, it will be checked and handed over to the Medical Officer for storage & distribution during the training)
An all black garment bag is great to have when attending trainings. It doesn't have to be fancy just something to keep the dress uniforms from being scrunched up in the sea bag. This is a secret weapon. It isn't on the sea bag lists but you can bring it. PUT YOUR NAME ON IT!
When you pack your dress shoes place them in a plastic grocery bag so they don't get scuffed or get polish on your clothes in the sea bag. This is also good for your boots. Tennis shoes will also get grimy and you don't want that on your clothes.
Label EVERYTHING : especially your clothes with your LAST NAME and FIRST INITIAL. Label inside the collar of your shirt not the shirt or it will bleed through. Be VERY careful on the dixie cup. There is a tag on the inside of the covers you should label them there. NEVER USE A SHARPIE ON A DIXIE CUP.
Again, everyone will have the same items and it is very easy to lose something if your name is not on it.
You can use a mesh laundry bag for dirty items for quick unpacking and keeping them from wearing dirty clothes.
1. Roll your t-shirts and underwear instead of folding. Lay item flat, fold once length wise then roll up. Use a rubber band to keep it in place.
2. Whatever uniform that is required to wear first when you get there, at the top of your sea bag for easy access.
3. Place all shoes and boots at the bottom of your sea bag, they should go in first.
4. Keep your service jacket and ID accessible at check in. Don’t have it buried in your seabag.
1. Save the trainings webpage to your bookmarks. You will go on there to reference things are you prepare. You will also go there during the training for information. On some trainings you will go to their page to send emails during training.
2. Print out the sea bag list, welcome aboard letter, code of conduct and any other publications for easy reference.
3. If the training has a Facebook page get added to it for some opportunities to see your kids in action and great updates.
4. Create an email folder in your in box for all communication for that trainings. That way you can delete the emails after the training but most importantly you can keep them all in one place. You never know when you need to re reference an email that was sent by the unit or the COTC regarding the training.
5. Keep your service jacket and ID accessible at check in. Don’t have it buried in your seabag.
6. When you return from training, clean/wash everything and then put it right back in the sea bag. You will need these items AGAIN and AGAIN as you take trainings. Keep them all in one place